you may have noticed that, with the exception of book reviews, there hasn’t been a lot of original content around here lately. I’m blaming it on summer doldrums.
The winds of creative thought have blown cold — or are asleep in the late summer heat. In fact, book reviews end up getting posted on Mondays […]
Each year I become more convinced time goes more rapidly. That was confirmed again this morning when the youngest and middle daughter headed back to college. Although middle daughter worked in Pierre during the summer, it seems like it was just two or three weeks ago youngest daughter got home for the summer.
They took […]
Today marks the one thing I’ve done longer than anything else in my life. Twenty-nine years ago I cemented the best decision I ever made and married my wife, Kathy. Although I don’t think either of us is surprised we’re still together, I still wonder at times how she’s managed to put up with me […]
Everyone probably has a couple self-acknowledged oddities or failings we wonder if anyone else shares. It’s always a relief to find out that other people are in the same boat. So while plenty of people have been talking about Reading in a Digital Age by Sven Birkerts in the latest issue of The American Scholar, […]
There are events in everyone’s life that affect our views and attitudes even if we are not personally or even indirectly involved. One of the events that impacted the course and development of my political views happened 40 years ago today — the shootings at Kent State by the Ohio National Guard that left four […]
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