
An Inconvenient Truth

While on the first “college shopping” trip with my middle daughter, we saw An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary of Al Gore’s mission to convince others that humans are responsible for global warming. There’s a few obvious problems with it but overall it is convincing and deserving of the praise it has received thus far.

The […]

Movie literacy

I saw a reference on to an LA Times column in which film critic Jim Emerson listed 1030 movies a person should know, “at minimum, to be somewhat ‘movie-literate.’” I decided to see how “literate” I am. Movies I’ve seen are in bold, ones in my Netflix queue are underlined and those with no […]

DVD quick takes

Ben Folds and WASO – Live in Perth (2005) 3/5

Ben Folds joins forces with the 90-member Western Australian Symphony Orchestra in this 80-minute DVD of concert performances in Perth, Australia, in March. Some songs make the transition; others don’t. It’s an interesting but not awe-inspiring performance. I found it enjoyable largely because about half […]

DVD quick takes

Gaslight (1944) 2.5/5

This film is a good example of why I generally don’t watch classics. You know the plot and where this movie is going about 15 minutes in and not much after that comes as a surprise or keeps you in suspense. Don’t get me wrong. Ingrid Bergman, who won both the Oscar […]

BTR 30th Hammersmith Odeon DVD

There’s an adage among fans of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. It’s basically that, no matter how many times you’ve seen them, the best concert you’ve ever been to is the last one of theirs you saw. That thought came to mind as I was watching the DVD of their 1975 concert at […]