
Amazon links and book bloggers

Critical Mass, the blog of the National Book Critics Circle board of directors, recently questioned whether it was a conflict of interest for online book reviewers (like me) to provide links to sites like Amazon for the books they review. I think Kevin Holtsberry put it wonderfully:

All kidding aside, or at least most kidding […]

No on Amendment E blog

PP has launched the No on Amendment E – SD Jail-4-Judges blog. It is aptly subtitled, “One annoying blogger’s little attempt to derail South Dakota’s 2006 Amendment E – the Judicial Accountability Act.”

He won’t be alone. This blog will also continue to examine South Dakota’s Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) amendment and its backers. […]

UM’s Digital Audio Initiative

The University of Minnesota has started a digital audio initiative. Among other things, it is used to distribute independent and distance learning material in audio format. Some of the initial course offerings available include several writing and literature courses, including a survey of science fiction and fantasy and a course on “literary aspects of journalism.” […]

Some (small) common ground

Sometimes it’s interesting where you find items of common ground.

After receiving a nice e-mail last weekend from Joel Rosenthal about a recent post, I took a closer look at his blog, Straight Talk. I knew it was there but hadn’t paid much attention. You see, there probably isn’t a lot on which he and […]

Plains life sans car

A friend has embarked on an interesting summer venture: he’s going to see how little he can use his car. He’s launched a blog, appropriately named MinusCar, to detail and document his efforts, which involve a combination of mass transit in Sioux Falls, such as it is, and his love of bicycling.

Take a look […]