
I be officially old

Today brings proof I’m old — I’m eligible for Medicare. At least initially, though, it seems like a good thing.

My wife (who was eligible earlier this year) and I aren’t on Medicare itself, opting to purchase a Medicare Advantage insurance policy. Even then, we will be paying more than $2,000 a month less than […]

American regression

Every day the onslaught continues, more and more straw falling on the camel’s back. And Trump lending aid and comfort to Nazis and racists is just further evidence that we’re backsliding from decades-old principles. This is especially so when both he and Congress want to deprive millions of health insurance and make sure corporations and […]

Who needs health care anyway?

“We are going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said less than two months ago. Moreover, it would be “[m]uch less expensive and much better” than under the ACA.

In an op-ed timed to the release of the GOP health care plan, House Speaker Paul Ryan said the bill would “give every American access to […]

Eye opening technology

For reasons not worth detailing here, for the last 25 years or so I only go to ophthalmologists for my eye exams. Once again yesterday that habit paid off.

When the routine of your annual eye exam becomes different than the year before and the year before that, etc., etc., you tend to notice. The […]

Retracting 11 years of bogus science

What has proved to be an ongoing controversy today had a major portion of what little legitimacy it had taken out from under it. The Lancet, a British medical journal, today “fully” retracted a February 1998 article linking the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination to autism.

According to The Lancet‘s editor, it was “utterly […]