Memory is a funny thing. I struggle to recall events my friends, wife and kids remember vividly. Names continually elude me. But what really puzzles me is the relatively mundane — even inane — things that I clearly recall.
A perfect example is Déjà Vu, the album released on March 11, 1970, by Crosby, Stills, […]
If you hadn’t heard already — and you should have — Kind of Blue is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In fact, it was 50 years ago this week — March 2, 1959 — that the first of the two recording sessions that created the best selling jazz album of all time took place.
February 1971 may have been the commercial peak for Janis Joplin. Her LP, Pearl, hit the stores the first week of the month. By February 27, it was the number one record in the country. But Joplin wasn’t there to see the success. On October 4, 1970, she’d died of a heroin overdose.
Joplin was […]
Although I had just turned 14 when it was released, I still remember the controversy over Jesus Christ Superstar. While it wasn’t the first “rock opera” (Tommy came out about 18 months earlier), this one attracted attention because of what it did, most notably humanizing the events in the last days of Jesus’ life.
Like […]
He hadn’t toured since the spring of 1966. And when he did it was with The Hawks, who would become The Band. So when Bob Dylan and The Band joined forces for a short North American tour in January and February 1974, it was big news. More than 650,000 tickets were sold for the 40 […]
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