Now that we’ve come to the middle of the year, what do you think of your 2009 reading so far? Read anything interesting that you’d like to share? Any outstanding favourites?
My reading so far this year indicates my translated literature fixation continues. Not surprisingly, then, it accounts for one of my favorites this […]
Do you feel compelled to read prize-winning (Giller/Booker/Pulitzer etc) books? Why, or why not? Is there, perhaps, one particular award that you favour?
I don’t know that compelled is the right term, although I have become somewhat more attentive to them in the past couple years.
I still make sure I have a copy […]
How many books (roughly) are in your tbr pile? Is this in increasing number or does it stay stable? Do you ever experience tbr anxiety in the face of this pile?
Sadly, my TBR pile has grown to the point it is now a now a three-shelf bookcase next to my side […]
Coming towards the end of April, we’re a third of the way through the way through the year. What’s the favourite book you’ve read so far in 2009? What about your least favourite?
I haven’t done a lot of book memes lately because they either were on things I’d previously written about or just […]
How do you choose what to buy from your local bookstore? Do you have a list, or just browse? What is the selection in your book store like? Do you find what you’re looking for? Do you feel pressured to buy the kind of books the store makes prominent?
I do both, although I […]
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