As I anticipated, Stephanie Herseth was one of only 43 House Democrats voting to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act. Once again, she follows the Bush line, this time voting to make permanent a disgraceful assault on civil liberties.
No, the GOP doesn’t need a candidate in the House race next year. It and Bush have […]
The GOP doesn’t need anybody to run against Stephanie Herseth for the South Dakota House seat. Bush pretty much has what he wants already.
Yesterday, Rep. Herseth voted the Bush and GOP line on two amendments to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act. The first expressed “the sense of Congress” that detaining enemy combatants at Gitmo […]
Hopefully not totally overshadowed by the debate hoopla, the House Thursday failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority to pass a proposed federal constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Stephanie Herseth voted in favor of the amendment. This vote comes a day after she voted to repeal a law banning most handguns in the District […]
Again displaying her “Republican Lite” tendencies, Stephanie Herseth was one of 34 Democrats to vote in favor of the “Pledge Protection Act.” As passed, the bill deprives federal courts of jurisdiction “to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance … or […]
Stephanie Herseth hid Thursday behind the gay marriage straw man created by the GOP . She voted with the Repugnicans to approve a House resolution that denies federal courts jurisdiction to hear or determine any question pertaining to the interpretation of the Defense of Marriage Act or the federal statute defining marriage.
I don’t […]
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