- Here’s a site tracking usage of the F word per episode on Deadwood. Any volunteers to track the 10-letter C word? (Via Mount Blogmore).
- The Sparrow
, one of my all-time favorite books, is in movie development with Brad Pitt slotted for the starring role. I am somewhat puzzled that Pitt would be selected when the lead character is Puerto Rican.
- As a Fargo North High School parent seeks to ban John Grisham’s A Time to Kill
, the Accelerated English teacher who assigned it suggested the parent read Farenheit 451
. My guess is the parent missed the point. (Via Blog of a Bookslut).
- Scottish blog prototypes.
- Finally, even though Tracks has not removed its “hiatus” notice (see below), a copy of the April/May issue showed up in my mailbox today.