Latest innovative pro se pleading
Motion requesting “you all go fuck yourselves“
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“Cancel culture” is an empty vessel Skepticism as a way of life An interesting look at the makeup of QAnon believers (I repeat: our country is full of idjits) The impossibility of history Portugal has an Anchor Cemetery And did you […]
Bulletin Board
There’s a couple new items in Curmudgeon’s Gallery
Most Obvious Headline
New Research On Trump Voters: They’re Not The Sharpest Tools In The Box
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Two years of Covidiocy The right’s slant on religious freedom is a slippery slope When I practiced law, I wholeheartedly agreed that this is a total waste […]
Most Amusing Headline
Are Polar Bears Altruistic or Just Bad At Math?
Most Depressing Headline
Idaho Lawmakers OK Legislation That Could Fine, Jail Librarians
Most Obvious Headline
On Top of Everything Else, Nuclear War Would Be a Climate Problem
Nonbookish Linkage
“National narcissism is strongly tied to the spread of COVID-19 conspiracy theories.” The long, […]
Nonbookish Linkage
You just can’t tell the truth about America anymore Grain’s impact on World War I There’s no “we” in baptism The etymology of “god” How to summon a demon Tbilisi’s underground city The jackalope, which keeps watch over local bars, tourist traps, junk shops, greasy spoon diners and dimly lit pool halls
Bookish […]
For a variety of reasons (including laziness), Weekend Edition will appear every two weeks, hence, Biweekly Edition.
Best Blog Headline
Theologians were paid to think about alien life. I’d rather they watch ‘Spaceballs.’
Most “No Kidding?” Research Result
Social Media Is Impacting Young People’s Mental Health, New Research Shows
You Could Have Fooled Me
“As […]
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