
Marginalia and dicta

  • I found it interesting that Amazon shipped my kids’ copy of the new Harry Potter to the local post office, which, in turn, deposited in my mail box Saturday afternoon. I speculate that is because standard UPS shipments are not delivered on Saturday and, thus, the USPS was the most effective method of getting it to people’s homes that day.
  • Another different Amazon approach, although the price makes me think a “short” is really short: “Amazon Shorts are brand-new short-form literature from top authors, available only on …. It’s all digital and only 49 cents.” (Via Coalescent).
  • My Blogcritics review of My Friend Leonard was selected as one of the editors’ picks of the week for last week.
  • How can anyone be remotely surprised by this? From the WaPo: “The FBI has thousands of pages of records in its files relating to the monitoring of civil rights, environmental and similar advocacy groups, the Justice Department acknowledges.”
  • And from the LA Times: A Time of Doubt for Atheists. But, hey, isn’t doubt what it’s all about?

In my little town
I never meant nothin’
I was just my father’s son

“My Little Town,” Paul Simon

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