Coincident with our recent travel plans and the Armchair Traveler challenge (and my travel later today to Nebraska to help middle daughter move into her dorm), The Literary Saloon brought to my attention a list of The 86 Greatest Travel Books of All Time in the new issue of Condé Nast Traveler. The magazine also […]
According to an AP article, a recent survey showed that a full 27 percent of adults in America read no books last year. The survey, which sadly is neither unusual nor surprising, contains a variety of interesting results. It’s worth looking at but here’s some of the core findings reported in the news article:
“The […]
Here’s one that really drew my attention: an author has sued a blogger for a negative review of his book. Although I’m not familiar with most of the music he discusses, this week’s (if not this month’s) web “must read” is Andrew Waggoner’s thoughts about the loss of silence in modern life. The concluding […]
My recent libel analysis led to linkage from the right, the left and the nonpartisan. But yesterday in the otherwhirled, I was officially labeled a “pissant provocateur.” I take Commander Other’s designation as it is meant, a compliment. Therefore, I shall adhere to the rules and bewstow the award to five other pissant bloggers.
The […]
Given the couple diversions into the political and the newsy lately, it’s time to return the blog to its regular (albeit perhaps boring and mundane) programming. There’s even a book review coming next week after a long absence from writing them.
In going back to the routine on the blog, I’ll start with something out […]
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