
Search term follies – Part 5

How time flies. I just noticed it’s been nearly a year since I’ve posted one of these. Inspired by Commander Other and a recurring search term, I figured I may as well close out the first month of the year with some of the wacky and weird search terms that bring people here:,


An actual mea culpa from a tech company

Something that seems all too common with tech companies is the “not our fault syndrome.” If a problem develops, hardware support says blames it on your software. Software support blames it on your hardware. A service provider says lays blame with another service provider, your hardware and/or your software.

I encountered this situation this month […]

Actually reaching the likeminded?

It was just less than three years ago that I decided to move the focus of this blog away from politics and the like to “things that actually bring pleasure, meaning and nuance to life.” This has covered a variety of things over those three years but mostly books and reading. While it may not […]

SD bloggers reflect the traits we brag about

We South Dakotans tend to talk about how friendly and helpful we all are. While it sometimes may just be lip service, I learned again this week that it’s true and, moreover, that it carries over to our blogosphere.

When the lights went out here for an extended period of time, PP at South Dakota […]

Are the lights on????

After a 72+ hour outage here, the blog is back — I hope.

Many thanks to the South Dakota War College and S.D. Watch for letting people know this wasn’t a voluntary shut down. (A bit more on them in another forthcoming post.) The problem was that the servers used by my web host apparently […]