I know I’ve posted it before but it’s a saying that’s stuck with me for probably 35 years. It’s one of the entries in Hugh Prather’s Notes to Myself: “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.”
As has been evident over the past […]
It’s a t-shirt I’ve always wanted. It said, “In dog years, I’m dead.” I’m starting to think the same thing applies to blogs.
Today is the 10th anniversary of this blog. Certainly, it’s not the oldest blog out there and it has changed focus over time. But it seems to have outlasted many. How long […]
Actually, I ask myself that question about blogging with some regularity. In fact, I occasionally consider abandoning the blog, a thought that comes up when I’ve got a number of books to review and feel a bit pressed for time. A lot of people probably think bloggers blog because they believe everyone is obligated entitled […]
I blame it on February. For as short as it is, it still reminds you not only that it’s winter but that spring just might be out there. Case in point is that when I went to the state capitol last week, it had a record high temp (61). Sunday, it set a record for […]
For quite a while, I’ve been noticing various items on the book blogs and sites in my feed reader and think, “That again?” Evidently, I’m not alone as King Rat (a.k.a. Philip Weiss) kind of brought it home in a post he did on book blogging topics he’s done with on his blog.
Like […]
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