
This blog is old enough to vote

Eighteen years ago tonight, the first post appeared on this blog. It addressed how George W. Bush was the only president other than Nixon to cause me so much anger and fear.

Before Dubya, I never thought I could despise a president more than Nixon. I certainly never thought I could hate a president more […]

I’m back — at least for a couple posts

I noticed the other day that it’s been almost seven months since I last posted anything here. What have I been doing? LOTS of reading (99 books this year so far) and relaxing (including plenty of naps). May was my wife’s 60th birthday and our 35th anniversary so there was a cruise from the Canary […]

Plenty read, no write

Two of my plans for when I quit practicing law full time were simple and logical: read books and do some writing. As the blog itself shows, the latter hasn’t begun. And that’s even with getting a book review assignment with the thought it might jump start things. The book was read. Not one word […]

Birthday to me

We have a video of my oldest daughter’s birthday 20+ years ago where my middle daughter insisted on loudly performing “Happy Birthday” as simply “Birthday to you!!”. The phrase has been used in our family probably since then. Since today is “Birthday to me” and I’m 366 days (thank you Leap Year) from the big […]

Desire — or not

I know I’ve posted it before but it’s a saying that’s stuck with me for probably 35 years. It’s one of the entries in Hugh Prather’s Notes to Myself: “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.”

As has been evident over the past […]