No, this is not a new feature. Instead, it’s a bit of an explanation why, contrary to my promise last weekend, regular programming has not resumed.
Attribute it in large part to the fact I had the pleasure of arguing before the South Dakota Supreme Court Wednesday morning in Yankton. Naturally, preparation for that […]
Both houses of Congress are still considering legislation to create a federal “reporters privilege,” legislation that took different approaches for bloggers. At bottom, the difference was whether someone had to earn an income from blogging to be protected by the law. Now, an amendment in the Senate Judiciary Committee would not only abandon the Senate’s […]
I just realized I started this blog six years ago today. In terms of the SD blogosphere that probably makes me an oldtimer, even though the focus has changed over the years and isn’t on South Dakota issues.
During those six years, there’s been 1,553 posts (not counting this one). Given the history of the […]
So I arrived back at UMass yesterday her “new student orientation” that began last night and runs through tomorrow. It gives rise to a couple opportunities, one of which hasn’t come to fruitioin yet but one certainly did.
I had been hoping to try and post to the blog via a WordPress app for my […]
One of the most famous phrases in the Declaration of Independence is that our “unalienable” rights include “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In today’s technological age, France’s Constitutional Council may have come up with a new take on the concept.
“The internet is a fundamental human right that cannot be taken away by […]
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