How many books I’m reading at a time is a moving target. Over the past few years I’m guessing it’s usually been one, but occasionally two or three. I’ve recently embarked on a somewhat different approach based on where I do my reading.
I read virtually every weeknight in our family room and/or in bed, […]
For as many books as I read each year, I’ve become a bit more persnickety than even four or five years ago. Put another way, I’m finding it increasingly common that while I will generally give a book a good chance, there often comes a point where it’s clear it and I weren’t intended for […]
Readers often seem to ghettoize certain genres. Some people won’t read thrillers. Others wouldn’t be caught dead with a science fiction book in their hands. I’m no different. I read a wide range of books but there are certain categories and genres I won’t touch or, if I do, it’s only rarely. Here’s a few, […]
Yes, Russia is a broad topic but it’s true. Entirely by coincidence both books I’m reading right now deal solely with Russian history.
A couple months ago I saw Martin Sixsmith’s Russia: A 1000-Year Chronicle of the Wild East on the shelves at the local B&N. Although I remain doubtful anyone can really tell a […]
I don’t do resolutions and I’ve pretty much given up on reading challenges. But I did come up with a couple projects for the year over the holidays.
One has to do with the perpetual “to read” stacks in various parts of the house. As part of some changes in our bedroom, I moved in […]
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