It was an amazing year for reading, which I attribute not only to our “empty nest” but that I stayed with my nonresolution to read what I want when I wanted. I read only 19 review copies this year, compared to 36 last year. Ultimately, I read far more books this year than ever before.
If you’re like me you’ve had your fill of year-end “best of” lists — yet you still click on those links. So, here’s the first of two posts looking back at 2012 in reading and books.
Favorite Fiction
I read a number of excellent fictional works this year, enough that I can’t say any particular […]
It was required reading for all three of my daughters in high school. My oldest daughter still considers it one of her favorite novels. It escaped my attention (or I avoided its reach) for decades. I am an initiate now, though.
“It” is The Great Gatsby. I’ve know it’s generally been required high school reading […]
I’ve never investigated if publishers push autobiographies and memoirs to a particular time of year. All I know is they’ve dominated my reading lately.
Four of the last five books I’ve read (and five of the last eight) are autobiographies/memoirs. (Who decides when a work crosses the line between autobiography and memoir?) All four […]
I know, it’s been a couple weeks since the Festival of Books. But, as you can see, I’ve been mostly absent from the blog. Being crazy busy at work doesn’t go well with oral surgery (fortunately after the Festival), especially when it greatly impairs your ability to speak. Besides, one of the items just came […]
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