Lights have been out here for a bit due to a major change. In mid-May my wife and I moved from the home we built 23 years ago into a townhome with about half the space. As you would expect, you accumulate a lot of stuff over such a stretch, meaning you have to dispose […]
“Banned book” brings to mind censorship, repression. But a different facet intrigued Helen Gurley Brown 43 years ago when she wrote her publicist about her forthcoming book, Sex and The Single Girl — publicity.
Sex and The Single Girl was on the cutting edge of the cultural revolution in the 1960s and feminism. Some 40-plus […]
Hubert Wolf’s The Nuns of Sant’Ambrogio: The True Story of a Convent in Scandal epitomizes how history should be written for the general public. Although the PR around the book promises a look at “sex, poison, and lesbian initiation rites in a nineteenth-century convent,” this is in no way a lurid read. Sure, […]
In the hopes of some more consistent posting, I’m going to try (“try” being the operative word) to do a monthly post on the books, movies, etc., that grabbed me the month before.
Surprisingly, the best book I’ve read this year will be 75 years old in September. But there’s a somber timelessness to […]
Around 1930, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote an autobiography about her and her family’s pioneer experience. No one would publish it. Wilder ended up using it as a source for her wildly successful Little House series. Turn the clock ahead 80 some years and things have changed dramatically. The autobiography was finally published late last year […]
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