War has broken out in the book retailing world. First, Wal-Mart last week said it would offer preorders of 10 top books to be released in November for $10 each online with free shipping. Amazon, of course, jumped in to match the price. That prompted a retaliatory strike by Wal-Mart, which lowered the price to […]
Now I read, on average, at least one book a week. And it’s not like I’m reading boilerplate serializations or harlequin romances. If I look back on the authors and books I’ve read, I’m certainly not embarrassed. Yet around this time each year I once again sense my “illiterati” status.
Wednesday was the latest case […]
With today being the last day of Banned Books Week, I thought it worthwhile to wrap things up with a look at how it was viewed by others, both in the blogosphere and the mainstream press.
An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal as Banned Books Week kicked off took a dim view of it, […]
As much as I agitate about book banning in the U.S., it would be utterly foolish not to recognize how fortunate we Americans are. It generally isn’t the government censoring books so that they never see the light of day. As we’ve seen, when efforts are made to ban or remove books, procedures are usually […]
My bibliolust list is shorter this month because it becomes more and more clear than there just ain’t enough time. September was a perfect example. Several of the books on my August and September list finally got to me on the library reserve list. There just wasn’t time to read two of them so I […]
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