
DVD takes

Distant (2002) 2.5/5

A slow-moving Turkish film that explores isolation in the midst of others. Reminiscent of Italian neorealism, the film is based on a down-on-his-luck villager going to Istanbul to find a job and moving in with a down-on-his-emotions photographer who hails from the same village. The film won the Jury Grand Prize at […]

DVD takes

Having spent too much time and uttered too many curses battling some connectivity issues, I figured it was time for a soothing installment of recently viewed DVDs ranked on a 5 star scale:

Ballad of a Soldier (1959) ****

An engrossing Russian film about a front line soldier in World War II who gets a […]

DVDs – Mixed edition

Another installment in the intermittent posting of recently-viewed films. (On a 5 star scale listed alphabetically).

Europa, Europa (1990) ***1/2

A German film by a Polish director that won Golden Globe for best foreign film in 1992. An interesting take on the Holocaust, supposedly based on the true story of a Jewish boy who manages […]

DVDs – Foreign edition

For whatever reason, I’ve watched more DVDs in the last couple weeks than in the last several months. Not up to full reviews of them but thought it worth posting a couple comments. Here’s a few of the foreign films consumed recently, rated on a 5 star scale and listed in alphabetically.

Coup de Torchon […]

The God Who Wasn’t There (DVD) (2005)

The God Who Wasn’t There has been the subject of a bit of buzz both in the mainstream media and on the internet. Simultaneously out this month in limited release in theaters and on DVD, it is Brian Flemming’s attempt to show that Christianity is predicated on a man/god who never existed. It is a […]