Do you feel it? We South Dakotans have the most personal freedom in the country, at least according to a new study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Technically, we are third but the two political science professors who authored the study say South Dakota is in “a virtual tie” with New Hampshire […]
Black helicopters — a symbol for conspiracy theorists and, for lack of a better term, wackos. Sadly, the U.S. has become a wellspring of goofy claims and theories and one of the more prevalent ones hit Sioux Falls this week.
Evidently, about 200 people showed up Thursday night to hear a Canadian physician, Dr. Andrew […]
Regardless of your position on stem cell research, there’s one thing South Dakotans don’t have to worry about as a result of President Obama ending restrictions on federal funding for stem cell research. No money for or research using embryonic stem cells will be here.
Nearly 18 months before President Bush restricted funding for stem […]
It didn’t take long. Within hours of Gov. Mike Rounds announcing he was proposing cutting all funding for the South Dakota Arts Council, the e-mails started flying. One I received even contained a sample letter to cut and paste and send your legislator (or the entire Legislature) urging reinstatement of that funding. And arts organizations […]
I’ve been hearing the line for months now. The Sioux Falls economy is such that we are relatively immune from the recession or, at worst, there will be limited impact. Whether it was optimism, hope or delusion, the last 24 hours or so demonstrates that head-in-the-sand feeling should be replaced by the consternation expereicned across […]
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