
Some (small) common ground

Sometimes it’s interesting where you find items of common ground.

After receiving a nice e-mail last weekend from Joel Rosenthal about a recent post, I took a closer look at his blog, Straight Talk. I knew it was there but hadn’t paid much attention. You see, there probably isn’t a lot on which he and […]

Local interests v. the greater good

Two items in the local daily caught my attention this morning, both reinforcing my concern that this country will eventually drown in its own political stew.

The first was the lead article on page 1 about the compromise energy bill. Located immediately adjacent was a sidebar headlined: “What’s In It For South Dakota.” The second […]

Herseth backs Patriot Act extension

As I anticipated, Stephanie Herseth was one of only 43 House Democrats voting to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act. Once again, she follows the Bush line, this time voting to make permanent a disgraceful assault on civil liberties.

No, the GOP doesn’t need a candidate in the House race next year. It and Bush have […]

There she goes (yet) again

The GOP doesn’t need anybody to run against Stephanie Herseth for the South Dakota House seat. Bush pretty much has what he wants already.

Yesterday, Rep. Herseth voted the Bush and GOP line on two amendments to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act. The first expressed “the sense of Congress” that detaining enemy combatants at Gitmo […]

Off limits

Much of the area liberal blogosphere is fascinated with John Thune and the bankruptcy of Dan Nelson Automotive. Stories have also appeared in both the print and broadcast media. Some have asked why it isn’t being discussed here. Simple. My law firm is involved in the bankruptcy proceedings. Although I have no personal involvement in […]