
Springsteen on writers on Springsteen

As I noted at the time,the NYT Book Review ran a spread on Bruce Springsteen books. In this weekend’s edition, Bruce chimes in with the following somewhat tongue-in-cheek letter:

The merits of my music and performances over the last 30 years I gladly leave to the fans, critics and writers. On the subject of “image,” […]

Springsteen marginalia

Back at home, a bit of time for reflection and not having wanted to overload the concert review, here’s a few more observations from Springsteen’s St. Paul performance:

Parent-child relationships seem to be in Bruce’s thoughts. During the show, he told several anecdotes about himself and his kids or himself and his parents. Plus “The […]

A different side of Bruce

Still away from home so my comments aren’t prompt. Still, here’s several but far from all of my impressions of Springsteen’s performance in St. Paul Tuesday night.

Twenty-five songs over 2 ½ hours. Half coming from Devils & Dust (9) and The Rising< (4); the others ranging from throughout his career. It is impossible to [...]

Bruce and Starbucks

As I leave to see Bruce in St. Paul tonight, I wanted to note the news reports that the lyrics on Devils & Dust are too hot for Starbucks. Yet one more reason to patronize your locally owned and operated barista rather than a corporate conglomerate. To quote the bumper stickers sold at Black Sheep […]

Devils and Dust

I was lucky enough to get my hands on an advance copy of the audio tracks of Springsteen’s Devils and Dust this evening. It is impossible to be definitive on a first listen (okay, it was two back-to-back). Still, there is no doubt true Springsteen fans will love it. Whether it will appeal to a […]