As I noted at the time,the NYT Book Review ran a spread on Bruce Springsteen books. In this weekend’s edition, Bruce chimes in with the following somewhat tongue-in-cheek letter:
The merits of my music and performances over the last 30 years I gladly leave to the fans, critics and writers. On the subject of “image,” […]
Back at home, a bit of time for reflection and not having wanted to overload the concert review, here’s a few more observations from Springsteen’s St. Paul performance:
Parent-child relationships seem to be in Bruce’s thoughts. During the show, he told several anecdotes about himself and his kids or himself and his parents. Plus “The […]
Still away from home so my comments aren’t prompt. Still, here’s several but far from all of my impressions of Springsteen’s performance in St. Paul Tuesday night.
Twenty-five songs over 2 ½ hours. Half coming from Devils & Dust (9) and The Rising< (4); the others ranging from throughout his career. It is impossible to [...]
As I leave to see Bruce in St. Paul tonight, I wanted to note the news reports that the lyrics on Devils & Dust are too hot for Starbucks. Yet one more reason to patronize your locally owned and operated barista rather than a corporate conglomerate. To quote the bumper stickers sold at Black Sheep […]
I was lucky enough to get my hands on an advance copy of the audio tracks of Springsteen’s Devils and Dust this evening. It is impossible to be definitive on a first listen (okay, it was two back-to-back). Still, there is no doubt true Springsteen fans will love it. Whether it will appeal to a […]
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