Where is your most often used (favorite) reading spot? Do you have more than one? What makes your favorite spot just that?
All things considered, my favorite spot is probably out on the deck of our house. Now, granted, it is far from a prime (or even desirable) location in the winter. But spring, […]
Rebecca asks: With yesterday being Anzac Day, I thought I’d ask a theme question this week. Are you a reader of war books? And if so, do you have any favourites?
I decided to respond to this meme in large part because I just finished Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War by Karl […]
Do you keep all the books you ever buy? Just the ones you love? Just collectibles? What do you do with the ones you don’t want to keep?
I wish.
For a long time, I did keep virtually every book I bought unless it was one I really disliked. For a long period of […]
Do you keep reference books on your shelves at home? What’s your first port of call when you need information – the internet or a book?
I have a ton of reference works on my shelves that I dip into with varying frequency. Two, however, aren’t with the rest. There’s a well worn paperback […]
For the regular library patrons among us: do you have your own idea of what constitutes proper library etiquette? Is there anything you always try to do? Anything you hate when others do?
Because I use the reserve list a lot, one of my minor irritations is those who keep books others are waiting […]
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