
South Dakota authors: “No one of note”

I am not easily offended. But there are exceptions. One is the post at the Publishers Weekly‘s blog of the “singular” writers for each of the 50 states. South Dakota’s entry? “No one of note. The closest South Dakota has to literary tradition is that Laura Ingalls Wilder’s itinerant childhood stopped through Dakota territory [sic] […]

Augie’s 150 Books to Read in Your Lifetime

Not sure how I missed this but, fortunately, I came across a small sign mentioning it while roaming the local B&N Sunday evening. Seems that in celebration of its sesquicentennial (150 years) last year, faculty and staff at local Augustana College came up with a list of 150 books they recommend.

Although the list […]

Good on science — geography, not so much

It’s worthwhile taking a look at’s piece and online picture gallery on the conversion of the Homestake Gold Mine to the Sanford Underground Laboratory, a physics lab that, among other things, will help look for so-called dark matter. It seems, though, that the science and uniqueness of the site left the reporter needing to […]

Book Review: Starting from Scratch by Susan Gilbert-Collins

Preferring discretion over valor, I won’t refer to Starting from Scratch, the first novel from South Dakota native Susan Gilbert-Collins, as “chick lit.” So, how about “food lit”?

All right, while the book involves cooking from scratch and is interspersed with recipes, that also is probably a little too flip Gilbert-Collins, in fact, is looking […]

Scoring the seven deadly sins county by county

Although religion seems to permeate life in America, it isn’t often someone tries to quantify how good or bad we may be. County Sin Rankings takes a somewhat waggish approach to doing so.

It relates seven factors to the seven deadly sins to come up with a score. Here’s the sins and correlative factor:
