
State political notes

Soon it will be over. Until then, another round-up of South Dakota political notes.

Coat Hangers at Dawn and South Dakota Progressive are doing an excellent job following the Roger Hunt/”Promising Future, Inc.” flap. I haven’t taken the time to look at the legalities of it all but it certainly seems to smell funny. Along […]


Upcoming from the Campaign for Healthy Families:

WHAT: Rally and Press ConferenceWHO: Jan Nicolay, Campaign for Healthy Families Co-Chair Kate Looby, state director for Planned Parenthood Rep. Casey Murschel South Dakotans who believe Referred Law 6 simply goes too far

WHEN: Wednesday November 1, 2006, Noon CST

WHERE: Old Federal Courthouse Square Phillips Avenue between […]

Public Service Announcement

While I tend to avoid these types of things, with the election just two weeks away I am going to break from tradition and post what the media would call a PSA.

The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families, the group heading up the effort to overturn South Dakota’s abortion ban, is planning a “Stand […]

Stepping into the abortion ban debate

With the election almost upon us and the dust up over campaign ads continuing, it’s time to stick my nose into yet another ballot issue.

Supporters of the abortion law referred for a public vote (Referred Law 6) are being called to task because recent television ads said the ban contains an exception for the […]

Stegmeier working on the next ballot initiative

He’s back at it. Even before voters have expressed their views on Amendment E (J.A.I.L.), South Dakota Bill Stegmeier is working to put another extremist idea before the voters.

Gene Chapman is running for president in 2008. Who is Gene Chapman? He is an individual behind such concepts as the “Slave Freedom/Mark of The […]