Axis , Robert Charles Wilson — In this sequel to the 2006 Hugo Award-winning novel, Spin , Wilson once again displays his talents. He manages to not only keep the reader interested, he mixes enough different elements and tension into the story that you don’t really want to put the book down. Yet the different […]
The National Book Critics Circle has begun a monthly “Best Recommended List.” As a member, I was invited — nay, encouraged and reminded — to send in my vote for my “most recommended” 2007 book. Because inertia is a fundamental principle and it’s so damn hard for me to pick a “best” this or that, […]
OMG, is Opus gay ?!?!? ( Via .) Although it only slightly reduces the withdrawal pain, Not The Daily Show sheds light on the core issue in the television writer’s strike. There’s also, of course, a Colbert retort . Whether it’s further evidence for my illiterati status or that I should discontinue by NYT […]
It’s one of those things that leaves a horrible feeling in your gut. This afternoon, my RSS reader popped up a South Dakota media blog post that Ron Bender of Rapid City was killed Monday in a hit-and-run accident in Gaithersburg, Md.
Ron and his wife, Muriel Shepard, were at the Rapid City Journal […]
Calling it a magazine is unfair because it is so much more than that. Early last week I saw an internet reference to a new publication called Lapham’s Quarterly . It was referred to as a history related journal and treated as if it might be good for insomnia.
Out of curiosity, though, I […]
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