Tickets for Springsteen’s Nov. 2 appearance at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul went on sale at 10 a.m. today. Knowing I have a mind like a sieve that’s rusted enough it’s got more holes in it, I put it on my electronic calendar for work, marked it a “High Priority” item and double-checked […]
As I’ve previously lamented, America seems to take an almost chauvinistic approach to literature, displaying little or no interest in works originally written in another language and then translated into English. The potential disconnect with Malvinas Requiem will probably start with the title. Regardless, those who have called it Argentina’s Catch-22 just may be justified […]
Tim Johnson’s return to the U.S. Senate gave him a chance to perhaps undo what I consider one of his worst votes. He took advantage of that chance, at least on the surface.
In 2006, Johnson voted for the Military Commissions Act (and Rep. Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin was one of only 32 House Democrats to vote […]
By coincidence, coming on the heels of my post on the Camden 28 is news that 483 courtroom sketches from the 1969-70 Chicago Seven conspiracy trial have been acquired by the Chicago History Museum. (HT to BoingBoing.) The sketches, by Franklin McMahon, will eventually go on display at the museum. The Chicago Tribune also has […]
Bill Harlan caught something I missed. Turns out that Frank Pommersheim, from whom I took Indian Law at the USD Law School, and his wife, Anne Dunham, are two of the “Camden 28.”
For those not familiar with the term, the Camden 28 refers to 28 individuals who were arrested for breaking into a […]
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