
Dell becomes my favorite corporation

As I noted, I cracked the LCD screen on my Dell Inspiron 9400 Saturday morning. I spoke with technical support (waiting on hold for no more than a minute or two) which, in turn, connected me with parts. I placed the order at around 10 a.m. Saturday, figuring my laptop was toast for my upcoming […]

Thune and immigration reform

I try to stay away from the political but this issue deals as much with the practice of law. Sen. John Thune is getting front page headlines for the defeat of comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate. While I, too, thought the bill was, at best, a horrible band aid approach falling far short of […]

Mid-year book update

As we’re halfway through the year already and I seem to have been consuming books at an even greater pace now that I’ve eased back on reviewing, here’s some thoughts on what’s impressed me in this year’s consumption. I have noticed that escapism seems to be a theme this year. I’ve read nearly as many […]

Oh s&@%!!

So, I’m plugging in my laptop this morning and to avoid pushing it on the floor when I put the power adapter into the back (something I have nearly done before), I put my hand on the top of the open screen. As I push the adapter in, there is this sickening little “crack” sound. […]

The Supreme Court’s gang of four

Shortly before the 2004 election, I opined that the most important race to win was the presidential election. One of the reasons was the potential ramifications of Bush being able to make appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. That fear appears to be turning to reality now.

After winning the election, Bush appointed Chief Justice […]