
Education funding rant

Neale inquired in the last post why my kids were going to college in Nebraska. I was simply going to respond in the comments but his question combined with something in the local daily to lead me to a rant.

To clarify, my oldest daughter does attend the University of South Dakota and loves it. […]

Younger passion

Given the timing of my post on passion, it’s been interesting with all three daughters around for the summer. It makes me realize just how friggin’ fortunate I am.

Let’s start with oldest daughter, now 21. She was struggling with a variation of the purpose and passions issues addressed in that post. Her struggle? Take […]

Those wacky Amazon recommendations

I occasionally look at what Amazon recommends for me when I’m searching out new books or foreign or classic films that might be of interest. But when it comes to music, I think the pixies in that department for Amazon recommendations are spending to much time imbibing in various substances. Here’s some of Amazon’s recent […]

Purpose, passion and related motifs

For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my middle daughter graduating high school yesterday and us leaving today for her to register for college in Nebraska, I seem to have been hearing a lot about purpose lately. For me, purpose is shorthand for “What do you really want to be when […]

Book Review: Brasyl by Ian McDonald

Writers, like other artists, do not create in a vacuum. Rather, creation often comes by accretion, building on ideas of others to strike out in new or different directions. Ian McDonald’s Brasyl is a marvelous example of such synthesis.

Each chapter contains three storylines set in past, present and future Brazils. Not only does McDonald […]