For some reason, it didn’t sink in until a couple minutes after I put up the last post, which had an item dealing with the so-called “Lost Tomb of Jesus.”
Turns out the archaeological site from which these ossuaries were recovered was discussed in the introduction to James Tabor’s The Jesus Dynasty, which I reviewed […]
A couple of things drove me a bit crazy (not a long trip) over the last few days. No, it wasn’t the weekend snow or even the reports more are on the way. On Saturday night, my MP3 player died. You know things aren’t looking good when the message “Hard Drive Failure” appears when you […]
The seed for this post and its second part was planted with a Maureen Dowd column two years ago. In it, she wrote about making a list of books from A to Z that would help someone perhaps gain some insight into the person making the list. It’s something I’ve thought about doing ever since […]
Brief reviews of a variety of books which, for whatever reason, I haven’t had the time or desire to write full reviews:
The Black Hills Yesterday & Today, Paul Horsted — A wonderful coffee table book about the Black Hills region in which photographer Paul Horsted found locations from which photos were taken from 1875 […]
A three day weekend combined with some early spring-like weather leads to a collection of links accumulated over a number of days:
A British blogger who is into flow sheets has graphically summarized the essence of the Victor Stenger book I just reviewed. (Via Boing Boing.) Speaking of reviews, it appears The New Republic disliked […]
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Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.