
Does the FTC really want to regulate my blog?

I do a lot of book reviews, both here and for Blogcritics. I get some of the books free, whether from the publisher, author or a publicist. Evidently, that now may subject me to regulation by the Federal Trade Commission.

The FTC is considering changes in federal regulations regarding the “use of endorsements and testimonials […]

Book Review: Kidnapped: And Other Dispatches by Alan Johnston

America’s tendency to rush books into print after newsworthy, or even not so newsworthy, events has generally soured me on books appearing shortly after the events with which they deal. After all, can the paperback you see in the a supermarket checkout line a month or so after the latest trial of the century really […]

April Bibliolust

Last month’s edition, which focused on books up for review and on hold at the library, panned out so well I should almost do it again. I’ve read four of the five books for review and the fifth doesn’t hit the street until the beginning of May. I’m still on the hold list for one […]

Midweek Music Moment: Blood, Sweat & Tears

All art involves blending and building upon what came before. Music is no exception. Both rock and jazz demonstrated that as the 1960s came to an end. Artists in both camps began incorporating more of what they were hearing in the other genre. Eventually, it gained the name of “jazz rock” and would go on […]