
Midweek Bloggus Interruptus

Blogging, including both the regular Midweek Music Moment and a book review, are on hold for another day or so. Youngest daughter graduated high school Sunday evening, flew to Massachusetts Monday, toured one of her two final college choices Tuesday, then drove to Vermont so we can tour finalist two this morning. Thus, no blogging until probably Friday at the earliest (absent serendipity between now and then).

All robot servomechanisms and computers are bastards.

Philip K. Dick, Galactic Pot-Healer

2 comments to Midweek Bloggus Interruptus

  • SD Universities probably provide a better education for undergraduates than most eastern colleges.

    Graduate assistants teaching there. Professors teaching here.

    Even so, some thoroughly mediocre teaching and testing practices in the SD System. Regents need to put together a standards for testing guidline.

  • Tim

    Having attended only SD colleges, I think we have a good system. But we are far too scholarship poor. With scholarships, my oldest goes to grad school in Missouri at 1/10 the semester cost of her attendance at USD, where she received the $5,000 Opportunity scholarship, etc., and the program is among the top ranked in the country. Both my middle and youngest get far more per year in Nebraska and Massachusetts, respectively, than the grand total of the Opportunity scholarship in SD — meaning the net cost is roughly the same, if not less. Moreover, my youngest can actually get a BA in the field she wants, something she can get at NO college or university in SD (and we are one of only two states in the nation that don’t offer any degrees in that field of study).