Bulletin Board
Another abbreviated edition as return travel and trying to catch up after being gone led to a couple days of a just too full RSS reader.
Thursday is Library Snapshot Day. My local library is asking users to help record “a day in the life” of the main library and its branches. […]
I don’t know that calling something “the greatest legal document ever filed in Irving (Tex.) Municipal Court” is the greatest praise, by a Texas lawyer’s motion for continuance does have a certain flair. (via)
ATL also notes there’s a lawyer who quit his job to return to Texas for the World Series, fairly pointing out: […]
As I noted last weekend, Amazon is now helping fund the Best Translated Book Awards. That, however, has led to a bit of a tempest involving a couple of my favorite organizations.
Melville House announced this week that it is going to withdraw from any future involvement with the awards. Dennis Johnson says it is […]
Although my wife and I went to western Massachusetts to visit my youngest daughter at UMass, I think my daughter has her doubts about my purpose for the trip. I’m pretty sure she’s convinced I only went there to watch a college hockey game and find bookstores. In fact, at one point, she commented that […]
Bulletin Board
Travel results in a somewhat skewed edition. When I finally got to check my RSS reader, there were close to 2,000 items. “Skimming” them might be an exaggeration. On the good side, though, I went to a college hockey game for the first time since the 2008 Frozen Four.
Bookish Linkage
An authorized […]
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