
Weekend Edition: 11-16

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Defender of the Constitution (“You may have nothing in common with the Boston bombing suspect. But if the feds can bar him from communicating privately and effectively with his attorneys before he is even convicted they one day may be able to prevent you from doing so […]

Weekend Edition: 11-9

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Up in Arms (“There’s never been an America, but rather several Americas—each a distinct nation. There are eleven nations today.”)

Should Literature Be Useful? (“Fiction’s lack of practical usefulness is what gives it its special freedom.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

‘Bigfoot Hunt’ Goes Bad: 1 Man Shot, […]

Weekend Edition: 11-2

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Brown University’s Campus Liberals vs. Free Speech (“On the surface, campuses like Brown’s seem hegemonically liberal. But in my experience, that apparent consensus conceals a crucial gulf between students and faculty who hold left of center opinions but accept basic norms of fair play and students who consider freedom […]