
Biweekly Edition: 2-26

Nonbookish Linkage

You just can’t tell the truth about America anymore Grain’s impact on World War I There’s no “we” in baptism The etymology of “god” How to summon a demon Tbilisi’s underground city The jackalope, which keeps watch over local bars, tourist traps, junk shops, greasy spoon diners and dimly lit pool halls

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Biweekly Edition: 2-12

Headlines of the Week

What to Watch on Super Bowl Sunday That Isn’t the Goddamn Super Bowl (not a fan of their options but…) Drunk priest ‘mistakenly’ slaughters human instead of goat; arrested

Nonbookish Linkage

Further proof that we’re a nation of ignoramuses How slavery was written out of the Declaration of Independence One billion […]