
Book Review: The Prince of the Marshes (2006)

Governments, projects and businesses tend to fear insider accounts. That’s because being on the inside means access to even the most damaging information. Yet what can be even more revealing is an insider account by someone who isn’t really an insider.

That may not have been what Rory Stewart set out to accomplish with The […]

Book Review: The Shark God (2006)

Travel writers, award-winning Canadian travel author Charles Montgomery tells us in The Shark God, work as follows: they contact a country’s tourist agency, promise to write glowing stories and then ask for “free flights, hotels, meals, and booze. Especially booze.” They then spend weeks “lounging in crisp linen sheets [and] watching BBC World News.”

That […]

Book Review: The Expected One (2006)

Pop culture may attribute it to Dan Brown. But fascination with Mary Magdalene is centuries old. That said, were it not for Brown’s bestseller, The Da Vinci Code, Kathleen McGowan’s The Expected One likely would not have had the draw to hit bestseller lists. Of course, McGowan’s back story on the novel and the press […]

9/11: Truth, Lies or Conspiracy?

When I did a post on the mindset surrounding Amendment E, I pointed to a number of people who are supporters of what has become known as the 9/11 Truth Movement. From that flowed a variety of comments and e-mails, ranging from the attacking to those who said I was being willfully ignorant. They might […]

Book Review: Journey Back (2006)

Richard Jones is a paranoid schizophrenic and recovering drug addict who also seems to be more than a tad bit obsessed with sex. That said, he actually comes off as a relatively likeable guy in Dan Martin’s Journey Back, which seeks to explore the impact of schizophrenia and drug addiction. Yet Jones still can’t save […]