A friend passed along a recent study that looks at electronic bookworms. As if I didn’t know it already, I ain’t one. “Today’s e-book power buyer, someone who buys an e-book at least once a week, is a 44-year-old woman who loves romance and is spending more on buying books now than in the past.” […]
I am quite proud of myself. During three bookstore trips in our two weeks in Hawaii, I bought only three books, two from the local indpendent. I read all three while there (finishing one on the plane ride home). In keeping with my usual practice when I am visiting a place for more than a […]
Another short lust list this month. I’m not sure if that’s because most summer releases are more in the “beach read” category or if I’ve been busier reading than looking at what is coming up.
Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned, John A. Farrell — When you’re an attorney, it’s hard to resist a well-blurbed […]
In 2009, David L. Ulin, then book editor of the LA Times, wrote a column called “The Lost Art of Reading,” a piece I noted at the time. Ulin, still a book critic with the paper, was encouraged to expand the column into a longer essay, which was published late last year as The Lost […]
Most of the public attention surrounding last night’s City Council meeting was on the ongoing and longstanding debate over an events center. Yet item 29 of 31 on the agenda, a relatively innocuous item, was of more personal interest.
Just more than two hours into the meeting, the Council unanimously approved a resolution “advising and […]
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