There’s been quite a bit in the book blogosphere last month about statistics showing a low percentage of women being published in major literary magazines and books by women being reviewed less frequently than men. I have no reason to doubt or dispute the statistics but at the same time wonder how much of this […]
Essays about book reviewing, particularly those by authors, intrigue me. Certainly, the views Charles Baxter expresses in Owl Criticism are worthy of note.
Lots of people will agree with him that many Amazon reviews, such as those that dismiss Anna Karenina or Madame Bovary simply as boring, “serve no purpose at all.” Yet when he […]
The fact my spots on the various library reserve lists seem to be moving slowly not only contributes to few Bibliolust reads the last month but also, I think, to a short list this month. Between the Bibliolust books I’m still waiting on and a glance at the release dates on my books to review […]
The length of this month’s list may be a bit deceptive. Actually, some of this month’s lust is already in my hands while more a bit down the road or somewhat nonspecific. Melville House’s announcement of The Neversink Library has me drooling but none of those books come out until summer. The longlist for the […]
Just shy of two years older than me, a symbol I’ve known all my life is disappearing. It’s the little thing on the cover of all the comic books I bought in my life, the stamp that read, “Approved by the Comics Code Authority.”
The Comics Code Authority stemmed in large part from Congressional hearings […]
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