
Translated lit good, Amazon evil?

As I noted last weekend, Amazon is now helping fund the Best Translated Book Awards. That, however, has led to a bit of a tempest involving a couple of my favorite organizations.

Melville House announced this week that it is going to withdraw from any future involvement with the awards. Dennis Johnson says it is […]

Banned Books Week in review

There’s been quite a bit of coverage of Banned Books Week in the blogosphere and the mainline media. As the week comes to a close, I thought it worthwhile to post links to a few of my favorite bits this year:

Is it censorship if the government buys all the copies of a book and […]

October Bibliolust

Some actual progress on the lust front, with nine books read in September. It’s always good when the number of books read in a month exceed the number lusted after books for that same month.

I’m thinking this may be another good month. Even though the fall publishing season is here, so far I haven’t […]

Banned Books Week: Reviewing a local challenge

For the first time since I’ve known of the map, you will find Sioux Falls on the map of book bans and challenges at the Banned Books Week website. The city’s appearance stems from a challenge to a book in the Sioux Falls School District last year, one begun, ironically, in the midst of last […]

Banned Books Week: 21st Century book challenges

Although you could nitpick when the 21st Century actually started, we’re at least through the first decade of the 2000s. That doesn’t mean book challenges and book banning turned out to be a phenomenon limited to earlier centuries. The process continues (including, as I’ll review tomorrow, around here) and the American Library Association can now […]