
Checking my NPR listener credentials

Okay, I know I’ve got a thing with book lists. But I can’t resist looking at a list compiled when other listeners of NPR (the station(s) on which my car radio is set 99 percent of the time) picked the 100 Best Summer Books Ever. I didn’t cast a vote in the poll but do […]

The Book Depository: Amazon complement or competition?

The U.K.’s biggest online bookstore, The Book Depository, has launched its U.S. site. The site indicates it’s not taking on Amazon but a quick perusal can’t help but make you wonder.

The site’s “About Us” section says, “We are not in competition with Amazon, we complement Amazon by providing books which have poor availability, offering […]

Race reflections in a “white-washed” book cover

Undoubtedly, we’ve come a long way thanks to the Civil Rights Movement. Yet we can find in sometimes surprising places confirmation that underlying, institutionalized racial issues still exist. A case in point: the picture to the left, which is the cover of the forthcoming young adult novel Liar by Australian author Justine Larbalestier.

Quite attractive, […]

Challenging that TBR stack

Call it coincidence. Call it serendipity. Either way, the conjunction of a post that reminded me just how big the “to be read” stacks are and the announcement of a reading challenge have motivated me to whittle down those stacks.

It’s the Random Reading Challenge. The rules are fairly simple: (1) randomly select any number […]

Travel, a delayed test and, of course, books

So I arrived back at UMass yesterday her “new student orientation” that began last night and runs through tomorrow. It gives rise to a couple opportunities, one of which hasn’t come to fruitioin yet but one certainly did.

I had been hoping to try and post to the blog via a WordPress app for my […]