This post must go in the perhaps better late than never category. It was drafted over the weekend and the fact it is being posted today reflects just how far it got with the various work and home activity that’s going on.
Anyway, twenty-two years ago this past weekend, my then less than three month […]
I planned on getting some posting done this week, starting after I got home from work Monday night. So, I turned on the desktop PC and….. nothing. It would not boot up.
Long story short, it is now in the shop in the hopes that at least some data on the hard drive is recoverable. […]
A couple years ago I read a blog post somewhere about looking back on points in your life and wondering if or how things may have turned out different had you made a different choice. As we think about it, it’s amazing how seemingly insignificant some of the decisions appear at the time. For example, […]
When I first started practicing law, I loved the travel. San Francisco, Detroit, the Twin Cities, Raleigh-Durham, the Twin Cities and plenty of places betwixt and between. But I quickly learned that it wears on a person. I missed sleeping in my own bed and I especially missed my kids, young as they were. I […]
My youngest daughter has been a competitive swimmer for at least 10 of her 16+ years on this planet. It is coming to a rather sorrowful end.
To fully understand, you have to realize this is a kid who would rather swim than eat. And when I say swim, I don’t mean it in the […]
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