
Not standing the test of time

When I first discovered the joy of foreign films, I decided a salutary mission would be to see all the films that won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film or the Golden Palm (Palme d’Or) Award at the Cannes Film Festival. Let me tell you, that is not an easy task given the video rental […]

Serenity not soon enough

Serenity now! remains one of my favorite lines from Seinfeld. There is another Serenity, though, that is at the top of my list.

Serenity is the movie resulting from the short-lived TV series Firefly. Now a cult classic, Firefly can best be described as a science fiction western. Yet even that seems a disservice because […]

Farenheit 9-11

I just came from seeing this film and YOU MUST SEE IT.

Sure, me seeing the movie is like the converted listening to another sermon. And there’s no doubt it is one-sided and slanted. Even I thought of responses to some of the statements Michael Moore makes. Yet the last 30 or so minutes […]