With the Cold War being waged for more than half my life, I was among the many millions fascinated with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Twenty years ago today, the East German government — intentionally or not — opened up its borders. For most, it is also perhaps the most substantive symbol of the […]
Ranging a bit far afield from the usual topics of this blog but dealing with a subject of professional interest, a couple recent items reinforced this country’s problem with immigration. It isn’t illegal immigrants — it’s the fact our immigration system is broken.
Our immigration law labyrinth is not only a factor in illegal […]
Perhaps ironically apropos for Banned Books Week is the following: “When author J.K. Rowling was proposed as a recipient for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, [President George W.] Bush nixed the idea because Rowling’s Harry Potter series ‘encouraged witchcraft.’”
Truly a WTF??? moment. Now whether Bush himself canned the idea is open to debate. The […]
Do you feel it? We South Dakotans have the most personal freedom in the country, at least according to a new study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Technically, we are third but the two political science professors who authored the study say South Dakota is in “a virtual tie” with New Hampshire […]
I try to stay away from politics. But sometimes I can’t, such as when its sanctimony is on display in adjoining headlines on two local front page stories in this morning’s local daily.
Headline 1: “Thousands protest federal spending”
Headline 2: “Water project reaps windfall”
That’s right. We held a tea party to haughtily throw […]
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