
Jumping the shark?

This was originally going to be a somewhat theoretical post about blogs but a comment on Liberal Oasis and a discussion about an upcoming news article led to a variation — have political blogs jumped the shark?

For those unfamiliar with the term, jumping the shark occurs at the point where a television show/event/personality began an […]

Hitler as blogger follow-up

Randell Beck tries to explain but does not do it well.

Hitler as a blogger

Anyone who reads this knows how much I disagree with the circle jerk bloggers and their fellow travelers. They are correct, though, in calling Randell Beck of the Argus Leader to task for comments he made in announcing an Argus Leader political blog in his weekly editorial column. What they found most offensive was the […]

South Dakotans for a Sound Society

Welcome to a new South Dakota blog, South Dakotans for a Sound Society.  Their introductory statement and initial posts indicate they should be a nice addition to area blogspace.

A circle of navel gazers

I occasionally check out some of the conservative (more accurately, anti-Daschle) blogs in South Dakota. (I won’t provide links. If you want can’t live without knowing, e-mail me.) Lately, it seems at least three love staring at each other’s navel.

First “X” erupts in indignation about some nefarious thing Tom Daschle, Stephanie Herseth or Dave […]