
Friday Follies 3.15

It still is not a good thing when, rather than hold a hearing on sanctions, a judge says he “assumes [an attorney] is as incompetent as he appears.” (via)

A Maine school district is not liable for damage caused when four members of its wrestling team converted a motel room into a makeshift sauna to […]

Where should (a) justice reside?

I think the media missed the forest for the trees in covering yesterday’s S.D. Supreme Court opinion on the appointment of members of that court. Much of the coverage seems to focus on the thought that any lawyer in the state can apply for any open judicial position. But that is not the crux or […]

Friday Follies 3.14

Federal appeals court says a lawsuit by “a disgruntled cheerleader mom” over whether her daughter should have made the cheer squad is no more than “a petty squabble … that has no place in federal court or any other court.” And don’t miss the footnote on the last page of the opinion. (via)

Meanwhile, the […]

Friday Follies 3.13

A Kansas City grocery store is being sued because one of its employees shoved his hand down her pants and grabbed her breast — and the nearby cashier said, “he has been doing that all day.”

Houston lawyer responds to middle school kids’ video dissing his daughter with cease-and-desist letters and lawsuit.

For future reference: […]

Friday Follies 3.12

A group of children were fined $500 by county authorities in Bethesda, Md., for operating a lemonade stand without a permit next to Congressional Country Club, the site of this week’s U.S. Open golf tournament. (via)

Missouri lawyer claims opponent’s use/misuse of possessives, among other things, means “there is no way on God’s earth that […]