Tim Giago now claims that instead of running against Tom Daschle in the Democratic U.S. Senate primary, he’s going to run in the general election as an independent. Of course, the “pundits” are talking about a Nader effect because the Indian reservations in South Dakota are heavily Democratic. The most recent voter registration figures show […]
I feel somewhat embarrassed that Kos caught this and I was unaware. According to the Associated Press, the South Dakota GOP claims Stephanie Herseth is “maintaining a secret Web page to receive campaign donations raised from ads on liberal groups’ Internet sites.”
The “secret Web page” is actually the page you’re taken to if […]
Late last month when Stephanie Herseth said she did not oppose a constitutional amendment defining marriage, I noted that part of what had to factor into her decision was the potential of a whispering campaign about her sexual orientation. Note this from today’s Argus Leader political column: “Someone has a push poll in the field […]
Kos is upset that Stephanie Herseth didn’t condemn the idea of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union of man and woman as husband and wife. Stephanie said she “agree[s] with the president on this issue. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.” According to Kos, she subsequently backed off a bit, […]
I know it’s probably all in fun but still, now that Atrios has blogged Herseth’s picture, the “hottie” comments continue. As one noted, some of these commenters really need to get out more. They’re starting to sound like Beavis and Butthead.
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