
Press conference items

Daily Kos says it all: “The transcripts are just coming out, and there will be plenty to pull from George W. Bush’s press conference to show that he’s ignorant, clueless and an embarrassment to our country.”

Josh Marshall summarized my thoughts in somewhat less contentious terms:

Perhaps my opinions of the man and his record […]

Odds and ends

Here’s an excellent profile of “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman. (Via Sick of Bush). The profile correctly notes the shows are of “varying quality.” But, as SOB says, Democracy Now! is addictive. Since, of course, I can’t get it around here, I listen to a streaming version or download it every day to get […]

More fair and balanced

Again striving to be fair…

Justice Scalia sent a letter to The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press expressing regret over a U.S. Marshal erasing reporters’ digital recordings of a recent speech and indicating he is “undertaking to revise my policy so as to permit recording for use of the print media.” The media […]

Why he’s the liar-in chief

Bush tells reporters that the Aug. 6, 2001, “PDB said nothing about an attack on America.” Let me once again quote from the document itself: FBI information “indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.” (Emphasis […]

Blix’s book

Hans Blix’s book, Disarming Iraq, is one of three Iraq-related books reviewed in today’s New York Times Book Review. The review, by Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek, notes a few items that are particularly interesting in light of recent developments in Iraq:

[Blix’s] frustration with the Bush administration, expressed throughout this book, was that it was […]