
Thune and the gay marriage bogeyman

John Thune is following standard GOP tricks. He is using the federal marriage amendment as a bogeyman to try and bash Tom Daschle, using statements that are disingenuous at best. According to a local TV outlet, Thune says Daschle should vote for the amendment to “protect South Dakotans from being forced to accept gay marriage. […]

Digression on a Monster

I recently attended my 30-year high school reunion. (Yes, I’m that effin’ old!) As I listened to a couple classmates blather on about how we should “turn Iraq into a parking lot” because of what “they” did on 9-11 (gee guys, I don’t remember there being any Iraqis on those planes), I started thinking about […]

Cheney “pleased” when caught in a lie

Been gone and busy so little blogging. Will resume with the unsurprising news that the 9-11 commission says Cheney had no more information than commission investigators to support his claim of Saddam-al Qaeda ties. Despite Cheney’s claims to the contrary, the commission says “it has access to the same information the vice president has seen.” […]