Weekend marginalia
- The Serenity trailer created a bit of buzz at Yahoo. Searches went up 95 percent on or following its release.
- The Dakota Activist Musicians Network (DAMN) has launched a zine called The Prairie Fire. Issue #1, consisting primarily of politically-oriented analysis, prose and poetry, is available at the online library of sdradicals.org.
- Thomas Sipos takes an interesting look at the modern day relevance of Kurt Vonnegut’s first novel, Player Piano at Blogcritics.org
- Ted Rall’s latest cartoon shows an aspect of why this blog moved away from a political focus.
- That said, a political-oriented note: Although displaying a bit of naivete over religious messages at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes function, a tip of the hat to the Argus-Leader’s Stu Whitney for Friday’s column on using it as a bully pulpit for a religious right political agenda.
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